
Sunday, December 19, 2010

Falling Asleep During a Meeting is Corporate Suicide...How to Avoid

There is nothing worse than a long, boring meeting.  Graphs and pie charts seem to equal boredom for most of parties involved.  But falling asleep during a meeting is corporate suicide and can affect your career.  You future’s success depends on your presentation skill which will help you to gain more success in your life and career. .  So, you have to come equipped with techniques to stay awake. 

Here are a few tips that might help you just do that.
Keep your blood sugar up.  Sodas, candy and gum are effective ways to keep you awake during meetings.  Chewing or sipping loudly is rude, so e discreet. 

Utilizes the power of caffeine.  A double mocha latte will help you keep your energy level high and help you sit through those third quarter projections without nodding off.  If you do not like coffee, drink soda or tea.  If you are really desperate, try an energy drink.

Chime in.  When you find yourself becoming drowsy, speak up and participate in the conversation. 

Excuse yourself.  If you cannot stay awake no matter what, excuse yourself to go to the restroom.  Splash a little water on your face, do a few jumping jacks and check your voice mail.  You should then be ale to finish out the meeting refreshed and rejuvenated.

Feel the pain.  This is an extreme tactic, but it works.  When you realize you are dozing off, try to distract yourself by inflicting pain on a hidden part of your body.  Bite your cheek, pinch yourself or stab yourself in the thigh with a pencil, not enough to help, but enough to make you snap back into0 the current moment.  Placing a thumb tack in your shoe is another means of inflicting pain.  Ouch!

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