
Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Leadership Is All About Setting Examples

What is the difference in these two statements: I am the boss so I can come in whenever I want,” and “I am the boss so I must be in first.”
Leadership is all about setting examples.  In fact, nonverbal communication speaks much louder than all our verbosity in championing organizational values and behaviors.  From punctuality to civility, from meeting deadlines and commitments to keeping appointments, the number of ways in which we expose ourselves to the sever scrutiny of all around us is quite revealing.  Do I treat my peers and seniors with respect and deference while, at the same time, being scornful with those junior to me? Am I constantly late for meetings or playing management games to show how important I am?  Even seemingly minor things like the use of office facilities for personal benefit says a lot about my character.  Some of us believe that dictum should be: “do as I say, not do what I do.” Well, that does not work in today’s environment.
Other ways in which we can show who the boss is and still retain our dignity are: concern for the environment, concern for company resources and care for people.  Coaching versus finding fault, maintaining a big mind instead of a petty one are other such ways to build your stature in positive way.  That is the difference between authentic power and coercive power. 
So the next time you get the urge to show who the boss is, do it in a manner that promotes a culture of mutual respect. 

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