
Thursday, January 20, 2011

What is Career Guidacne all about?

Known as vocational guidance, the scientific method as a strategy that allows the individual access to the highest cultural level in the shortest time possible and provide as much of the means by which to engage in the highest social groups.

 The direction especially in the field of employment and vocational education has emerged at the beginning of this century as a result of the development of industry and manufacturing.

From here the States concerned with vocational guidance issues recently considerable attention and has become a large enterprise and the role of a wide equipped with the latest devices that help in achieving these purposes.

Vocational guidance began to focus on the existence of different capacities of individuals and attempt to discover these capabilities and the development of each individual commensurate with the preparations. 

Career guidance prepares young people for life and their attitude to the profession through appropriate study of field. Getting knowledge of their abilities and aptitudes and inclinations is the goal of career guidance. Career adviser give adequate information on the different professions and the required capacities and predispositions to enable an individual to choose a profession or craft, which is aligned as well as providing information, advice and expertise through targeted professional development.

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