
Thursday, March 17, 2011

Exemplary Behaviour of The Line Mangers

Inspiring and motivating those around us is a difficult task involves much more than just thinking about and believing in good management principles.

The fact is that corporate culture can only be improved through the exemplary behavior of the line mangers displaying true adherence to good management practices.  Examples of the desired behavior have to be constantly portrayed in an effort to establish belief in employees about the possibility of these actions i.e. setting examples of putting words into action with sincerity.  This will foster an environment of mutual trust, transparency and confidence in the organisation and employees will follow their instructions in their entirety. 

Some behavior indicators for making this happen are:

Observe company discipline in terms of time management by being punctual to work and on time for official meetings.

Cascade the corporate culture and values to al staff while explaining their importance and necessity.

Be humble and cooperative to all, even your subordinates and the support staff of the company. 

Own your job responsibilities and perform better than desired.

Always maintain a humanistic attitude towards everyone and constantly coach the staff to help them overcome their performance problems.

Be resource conscious and show co9ncern for company property.

Unless line mangers show that they practice what they preach, staff will keep on ignoring their message and will consider them nothing more than just lip service.

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