
Sunday, March 20, 2011

How to Fail Successfully...How to succeed

Most people are successful in life.  Some plan for success; take regimented and disciplined actions and achieve it.  Others plan for success but don’t do anything else beyond planning and successfully failing.  Failing is much easier to achieve. 
Guess what? You don’t have to do anything to fail.  Most authors of self-help books preach and attempt to teach us things that we do not do very well. They tell us what to do and become very rich in the process.
As opposed to telling you how to succeed, here are a few things that will help you fail amazingly well.

People, who are destined to successfully fail, never write things down.  After all, if you can remember, why write it down. Think of all the time that will be wasted just writing things down on a piece of paper.  Rely on memory.  Calendars are for winners only.  If you keep a diary, you will be left with no excuses. 

Spend most of your time on the pettiest of things.  Do not bother prioritising.  Micromanage and be involved in everything.  Believe that you need to know and control everything.  The added benefit is that it will accelerate your rate of failure because people will also hate you. 

If you do not leave office on time why bother reaching there on time; get to work just in time.  Settle down, have a cup of tea, socialize (teambuilding), warm up and start work after 45 minutes.

Reading can e harmful to your eyes.  Management books don’t tell you things you don’t already know.  It is all common sense.  At most, they change the title of concepts.  Come to think of it, why are you even reading this?  

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